Previous Newsletters -Winter 2023


2023 Winter Newsletter

We are delighted to share with you the news that we have secured funding from the Energy Saving Trust to launch a new project which will make sure that disabled people in Darlington and across the Tees Valley are able to access information and support about Energy Saving, an important issue for everyone during the current cost of living crisis.  The project will provide information and energy saving tips in a variety of formats, supporting people to make contact with energy suppliers as well as bringing people together for mutual support looking at energy saving measures, understanding bills and energy saving in relation to climate change and the environment.


Energy Saving Trust logo

Winter Energy Saving Advice

Switch off standby:  You can save around £55 a year just by remembering to turn your appliances off standby mode.  Almost all electrical appliances can be turned off at the plug without upsetting their programming. You may want to think about getting a standby saver or smart plug which allows you to turn all your appliances off standby in one go.  Check the instructions for any appliances you aren’t sure about. Some satellite and digital TV recorders may need to be left plugged in so they can keep track of any programmes you want to record.

 Draught-proof windows and doors:  Unless your home is very new, you will lose some heat through draughts around doors and windows, gaps around the floor, or through the chimney.  Professional draught-proofing of windows, doors and blocking cracks in floors and skirting boards can cost around £250, but it can save around £90 a year on energy bills. DIY draught proofing can be much cheaper.

 Turn off lights:  Turn your lights off when you’re not using them or when you leave a room. This will save you around £20 a year on your annual energy bills.  Replacing all the lights in your home with LED bulbs could help you save even more.  Careful with your washing:  You can save around £27 a year from your energy bill just by using your washing machine more carefully:

  • Use your washing machine on a 30-degree cycle instead of higher temperatures.
  • Reduce your washing machine use by one run per week for a year.

 Spend less time in the shower:  Keeping your shower time to just 4 minutes could save a typical household £65 a year on their energy bills.

 There will be more information about accessible energy saving aid and grants in future newsletters


Trustee Vacancies

Have you ever thought about being a Trustee? Do any of these statements describe you?

  • I have skills in advocacy, finance or marketing.
  • I’m passionate about the issues that impact on the lives of disabled people.
  • I have knowledge of these issues in Tees Valley, County Durham, regionally or nationally.
  • I have lived experience as a disabled person.
  • I have some time available to contribute to an amazing local organisation supporting disabled people and carers across Tees Valley.

 If the answer is YES why not get in touch to find out more about what’s involved in one of the most important roles in any charitable organisation.

Trustees are required to oversee and provide governance to the running of the organisation.  DAD must be led by a majority of disabled people, and this will be taken account of, in any Trustee appointments.

Ideally, we are seeking people with skills and knowledge in Advocacy, Finance, HR or Marketing. 

DAD  supports equality, in all its forms, we are seeking Trustees who reflect our community who are currently underrepresented including: women, people from minority communities and young people.

There will be a selection process involving an informal interview with Trustees.

 For more information about being a trustee: ‘5-minute guides’ for charity trustees -  Charity Commission guidance - GOV.UK (

 If you are interested and would like further information please contact Lauren Robinson, Chief Executive by emailing 


Direct Payments Support Service

 This month we focus on……..

Direct payments allow you to receive payments from your local authority instead of having care services arranged for you. If you are eligible for funding through health this is known as a personal health budget.  Or you may be privately funding your own support, whichever way you are funding your support, this way gives you much more flexibility and greater control.  To be able to receive a Direct Payment, you need to have gone through either a Community Care Assessment if you are a disabled person or Carers Assessment for carers.

One of the ways you can use a direct payment is to employ and manage your own personal assistants which means you get the assistance you need when you want it, how you want it and from the person you have chosen to give it. 

 However you choose to use your direct payment we are here to help, our support includes:

  • ·           Budgeting your direct payment
  • ·           Payroll; setting up with HM Revenue and Customs, workplace pensions,
  • ·           Safe recruitment; Disclosure and Barring service checks, references, application form
  • ·           Managing the direct payment financially
  • ·           Legal responsibilities such as; insurance, health and safety, employment law, right to work in the UK
  • ·           Contracts, job descriptions
  • ·           Support to check services terms and conditions

 For more information please call on 01325 489999 Option 2


Personal Assistant Vacancies

 Direct Payments Personal Assistants/Support Workers

There are opportunities for Personal Assistants/Support Workers, in Darlington and Redcar and Cleveland areas, to work for employers who receive a Direct Payment and require support to live independently.   

To view current vacancies and find further information on the personal assistant (PA) register go to Direct Payment Vacancies                           

 To join the PA register: 


 Call: 01325 489999 and speak to the Direct Payments Team 

 Successful candidates will be directly employed by the person and not by Darlington Association on Disability. All roles will be subject to DBS and reference checks.



How you can support us

As a local organisation we very much rely on the support of our local community. We support over 2,000 people every year to have greater choice and control and remove the barriers that disabled adults and children experience in their everyday lives. But we need YOUR help.

Click here to find out how you can support us

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