Easy Read and Videos


Welcome to this page


This page is a place to find links to other organisations and websites that have accessible information on certain topics.  


         Some of the links are to information that is written in an easy read way. 

        Some of the links are to videos. 

        We have grouped information under different headings to try to make it easier to find. 

 The headings are written alphabetically so it starts at 'A' and follows through the alphabet.


Some information could have been listed under different headings.

For example we have a heading called work but some people might have thought that information should be under a topic heading called jobs.

If you cannot see what you were looking for under the topic heading you expected try looking under different headings as it might be there. 


Just to let you know the website links written below are not D.A.D. websites or information they have made.

The information is from outside the organisation and is not regulated by D.A.D. 





Here is a video about abuse. It explains what abuse can be. There are also some workbooks - Abuse is bad | Speakup Main Website

Also, look under the heading online safety for information on keeping safe when using the Internet


     Accessible Information - Accessible information is information that you can


Accessible Information Standard - YouTube (Video has subtitles and British Sign Language)

 Why is accessible information important? - YouTube (Video is subtitled)

This is easy read written information - access-info-stndrd-er-upd-jul16.pdf (england.nhs.uk)


Access to Work

Look under the heading called work for information about the government Access to Work scheme. 


Accessible Information - Look under the heading How to make Information Accessible


Advance Care Planning 

Thinking about your health and care if you are very ill or dying - www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/universal-principles-for-advance-care-planning-easy-read.pdf



Advocacy is....

Advocacy is not.....



Here is a video about drinking alcohol. There is a workbook too - Alcohol | Speakup Main Website


    Annual Health Checks 

Annual Health Checks 

Annual Health Checks (Video)








Look under the heading called money for information about banks and banking. 


Benefits and Entitlements 

Employments and Support Allowance (ESA)

An introduction to New Style Employment and Support Allowance  An introduction to New Style Employment and Support Allowance

After you apply for New Style Employment and Support Allowance  After you apply for New Style Employment and Support Allowance (Easy Read)

Keeping up-to-date with New Style Employment and Support Allowance Keeping up-to-date with New Style Employment and Support Allowance


Personal Independent Payment (PIP)

Get help from Personal Independence Payment Get help from Personal Independence Payment (Easy Read)

How to claim Personal Independence Payment How to claim Personal Independence Payment (Easy Read)

Supporting information for Personal Independence Payment Supporting information for Personal Independence Payment (Easy Read)

What to expect at your Personal Independence Payment assessment What to expect at your Personal Independence Payment assessment (Easy Read)

Important things to know about our Personal Independence Payment decision Important things to know about our Personal Independence Payment decision (Easy Read)


  Books Beyond Words

Word free picture stories that help people understand and communicate their feelings, learn about new experiences and tell their own stories.  Here is a link to the website.- Beyond Words (booksbeyondwords.co.uk)

Here is a link to a video about Books Beyond Words - Why Books Beyond Words Are in Pictures (youtube.com)



A leaflet about what bullying is and what can be done about it - https://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/bullying-easy-read-leaflet.pdf




  Cancer Support

Audio books by MacMillian Cancer Support about cancer, managing pain, financial help and much more www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/stories-and-media/audiobooks

Easy read information about lots of things to do with cancer. It has information about tests to check if a person has cancer or not. These tests can also be called screening. All resources | Macmillan Cancer Support

Free downloadable books on getting cancer tests (screening) www.booksbeyondwords.co.uk/resources-dl These are books with drawings and no words. 

Book to buy www.booksbeyondwords.co.uk/bookshop/p/getting-on-with-cancer-1 This book has drawings and no words. It shows information from visiting the doctor to ways cancer can be treated. 



Video - 7 Keys of Citizenship Wendy Perez and Simon Duffy www.youtube.com/watch?v=avnKfGJm81k&t=4s

Book - 7 Keys of Citizenship Wendy Perez and Simon Duffy  www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31747115823 or Everyday Citizenship: Seven Keys to a Life Well Lived by Duffy, Simon | eBay



Easy read guidance and a form to make a complaint, raise a concern or give feedback about health, education or social care -  www.speakup.org.uk/_files/ugd/7b2ad3_a57138a79b614b04961dccefbfcb1e58.pdf

Easy read complaints, concern or feedback form to use for health, education and social care -  www.speakup.org.uk/_files/ugd/7b2ad3_691966068ffb4499b41a00196dbdd155.pdf

Guidance and a form to make a complaint, raise a concern or give feedback about health, education or social care written particularly for Autistic people www.speakup.org.uk/_files/ugd/7b2ad3_486c5d675e1b4ba7b52d3b6d261a5846.pdf

 Complaints, concern or feedback form to use for health, education and social care written particularly for Autistic people www.speakup.org.uk/_files/ugd/7b2ad3_f005d01093154179a3a5d12369f76d41.pdf



Look under the heading online safety 


Coronavirus or Covid

COVID-19 Vaccination Easy-Read Leaflets (GOV.UK)

Information about Coronavirus

How Coronavirus has affected people with learning impairments and autism

Coronavirus: Why we have added people with Down’s syndrome to the high risk list (Department of Health and Social Care) 

Self Isolation for people living alone (NHS Oxford Health, March 2020)

What is a pandemic?


Infection Control - Part 1

Infection Control - Part 2

What is PPE?

Disposing of PPE



Look under the heading Poo



CookABILITY - Accessible tasty recipes and videos

Recipes and Food Safety Tips


Climate Change

 Easy Read Guide to Climate Change



Scams - www.friendsagainstscams.org.uk/shopimages/Accessible%20training%20and%20easy%20read/Embedded_Conversation_Info_Sheet.pdf

Hate Crime - Reporting Hate Crime - An Easy Read Guide




Damp and Mould in the home

ISL218 14 ER Damp & Mould (cse.org.uk)



A video for people with learning impairments showing a visit to the dentist (NHS England)

Katrina goes to the Dentist - www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/easy-read-katrinas-dentist-story.pdf?fbclid=IwAR11eTxm1t4HLQQD3ZLBB3z7Xa7_4qkCgG7UM7y0BsurPWbK1pjmYpaEBJ0



This is about diabetes Type 2  Layout 1


Direct Payment Information

Becoming an Employer using Direct Payments (plymouthonlinedirectory.com)



How you might feel if you are dying - How-you-might-feel-if-you-are-dying.pdf

Thinking about your health and care if you are very ill or dying - www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/universal-principles-for-advance-care-planning-easy-read.pdf

What might happen in the last few days of life and what might help you feel more comfortable - The-last-few-days.pdf

A video about talking about dying. How to think about your rights and what you would want - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv-8Sdbye6A

Stages of grief - how you might feel when something sad or difficult happens like losing someone who is important or a pet - PowerPoint Presentation

What words about death and dying mean -  PowerPoint Presentation

This is a book to buy called When someone dies - www.booksbeyondwords.co.uk/bookshop/p/when-somebody-dies This book has drawings and no words. 

Also look under the headings of funeral and wills 




Emergency Alert on Mobile Phones

How emergency alerts works - YouTube Video


Emergency Health Care Plan 

Video about an emergency health care plan. It explains what it is and when you might want or need one www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbnZJO2AmT4


Energy Saving Tips

ISL218 14 ER Energy Tips (cse.org.uk)


Employment and Support Allowance 

Look under the heading Benefits and Entitlements



What is a cataract www.seeability.org/sites/default/files/2021-04/What_is_a_cataract_-_April_2019.pdf

Glaucoma www.seeability.org/sites/default/files/2021-05/Glaucoma_-_April_2019.pdf

Having an eye test www.seeability.org/sites/default/files/2022-05/Having%20an%20eye%20test%20-%20April%2022.pdf

How to use eye drops www.seeability.org/sites/default/files/2022-03/Eye%20Drops%20-%20Oct%2021.pdf


Equality and Disability Action Plans 2019-2014

Action Plan 2019-2014 Easy Read Guide (Department of Health)




Friendships and Relationships





An easy read booklet about what a funeral is, what might happen and other ways of remembering someone who has died -  mac16311-er-e04-going-to-funeral-pdf (macmillan.org.uk)

Thinking about your funeral mac16344-thinking-about-your-funeral-e04 (macmillan.org.uk)




Gas and Electric

How to read your meters - ISL218 14 ER Reading your meter (cse.org.uk)


General Election - 4th July 2024

What is a General Election | Mencap

What is voting? | Mencap



Look under the heading of dying




Health Information 

Annual Health Checks Annual Health Checks (Video) or 9. Gold Standard Health Check (Norfolk + Waveney).indd (knowledgeanglia.nhs.uk)

How to look after my balls - How+to+look+After+My+Balls.pdf (squarespace.com)

Breast (Boobs) Screening - This is a leaflet about getting your breasts or boobs checked - An+Easy+Guide+to+Breast+Screening+-+2021.pdf (squarespace.com)

Constipation - look under the heading called poo. 

Cancer - look under the heading called cancer. 

Diabetes - look under the heading called diabetes

Emergency Health Care Plan - look under the heading called emergency health care plan 

Easy Health Easy read information about lots of different health topics

Eye information - see under the heading of eyes

Flu  Flu - How does the flu jab work (NHS poster) Seasonal Flu (NHS poster) 
Flu is caused by different sorts of germs. Seasonal flu happens each winter and spreads very easily from person to person.

Heart Here is a booklet called Keep your Heart Healthy. It has some information about cholesterol too - http://www.bhf.org.uk/-/media/images/information-support/how-a-healthy-heart-works/keep-your-heart-healthy-in-easy-read.pdf?rev=6f19e4805f6544e885ea1b9c673d06e6

NHS England Easy Read Newsletters 
In this newsletter you can find out about:

  • Lung cancer – signs of lung cancer and what to do if you see them
  • Smoking and e-cigarettes (vaping) – tips to help you, your friends or family stop smoking
  • Healthy eating – what healthy eating is, and why it is important to eat well
  • NHS App – what the NHS App is and how you get it

Hepatitis 002-what-is-hepatitis.pdf

Hot Weather: 



Macmillian Cancer Support easy read information All resources | Macmillan Cancer Support

Poo - Look under the heading called Poo

Planning for your health and care if you are very ill or dying  look under the heading Dying

Smear Test Smear Test (Video) also known as cervical screening

Stroke - What are the signs of a stroke www.bild.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Stroke-PHE-leaflet.pdf

What happens when you ring 111? - This is a link to a video about what happens when you ring 111What happens when you call NHS 24 on 111? - YouTube



An organisation called Together Matters have made a booklet called How to be part of the world of work.

You will need to register your details on the website to be able read the booklet. Here is the link to the booklet www.togethermatters.org.uk/how-to-get-the-right-housing-and-support-pdf/

Moving on and planning ahead booklet which talks about independent living, money and supporthttps://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/MME_moving-on-and-planning-ahead.pdf

What is rent?www.mencap.org.uk/easyread/what-rent

What is a tenancy agreement?www.mencap.org.uk/easyread/what-tenancy-agreement

What are the rules of a tenancy agreement?www.mencap.org.uk/easyread/what-are-rules-my-tenancy-agreement

KeyRing is an organisation. It supports some people with housing. Here is a video from someone using their services - Amy talks about living in her own home through Key Ring - YouTube



What is Hepatitis - 002-what-is-hepatitis.pdf


How to make Information Accessible

How to make information accessible (CHANGE, 2021)

Image Bank - Learning Disability Service (learningdisabilityservice-leeds.nhs.uk)



Hospital Passport or Health and Care Passport

There are difference hospital passports available. Choose 1 that works well for you. Here is a link to 1 you can download and print out:

Health-Care-Passport-Apr-2023.pdf (necldnetwork.co.uk)

 What is a Health and Care Passport? - www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/PRN00983iii-health-and-care-passport-easy-read.pdf

Hospital Passport Template example from South West London Access to Acute Group.doc

Video - Victoria's story of using a hospital passport - www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhN-EyMJWg4&t=5s


Going into Hospital

Going into hospital - FINAL-What-to-do-when-your-coming-in-to-Hospital.pdf (necldnetwork.co.uk)

Leaving hospital or getting discharged after a stay in hospital  when getting support for your mental health sometimes called inpatients 003-discharge-toolkit.pdf





Information about what is insurance 003-what-is-insurance.pdf



look under the heading online safety






Learning Disability Register - This is something you can ask to be put on at your doctors if you want to. It will help you get an annual health check.  Doctors use the learning disability register it to make sure that people with a learning disability get the right support in the right ways. Click the link for more information - http://www.mencap.org.uk/easyread/join-the-learning-disability-register

Click here for this information in other languages - https://www.mencap.org.uk/press-release/mencap-launches-new-gp-resources-black-asian-and-minority-ethnic-people-learning


LeDeR report - Learning from Lives and Deaths of people with Learning Disability and Autistic people 2022

Easy Read Report 2022 - www.kcl.ac.uk/ioppn/assets/fans-dept/leder-2022-easy-read-report-final.pdf

Video of report - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW31o2jOEP8

Foreword of report www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ao_etBdtMw

What is LeDeR - video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwg6hl41dR8



LGBTQ+ stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer or Questioning.
The + is to be inclusive to everyone that feels part of the LGBTQ+ community, but don’t feel like they fit into the groups listed in LGBTQ.

LGBTQ+ An Easy Read Guide (CHANGE, 2020)

LGBTQIA+ What do all the letters mean? - www.easy-read-online.co.uk/_files/ugd/7e469a_f744864f46ce4f6c9bee86b4ace484bb.pdf?index=true


Wellbeing booklet - 002-outspoken-wellbeing-activity-booklet.pdf

Also look under the heading Transgender


Learning Disability Network North East and North Cumbria

Learning Disability Network (necldnetwork.co.uk)





 With Makaton, signs are used, with speech. This helps provide extra clues about what someone is saying. Using signs can help people who have no speech or whose speech is unclear. Using symbols can help people who have limited speech and people who cannot sign or prefer not to sign. Here is a website with lots of information about Makaton and how to learn some Makaton https://makaton.org/

Here is a video to explain what Makaton is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb09WlrBwds&t=2s


Mental Capacity Act

A video about the Mental Capacity ActUsing the Mental Capacity Act: Self-advocates from Taking Part - YouTube

The Mental Capacity ActMental Capacity Act 2005: An easy read guide (local.gov.uk)

 A video saying what is mental capacity. It also explains the Mental Capacity Act -   The Mental Capacity Act: an animated guide by Infodeo. - YouTube


Mental ill health




Choosing and opening a bank account booklet - https://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/MME_Choosing_and_opening_a_bank_account_1.pdf

Using a bank account booklet - https://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/MME_using_a_bank_account.pdf

Your money - Your home booklet - https://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/MME_your-money-your-home.pdf

Your money - Your insurance booklet - https://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/MME_your_money_your_insurance.pdf

Explaining the words used in banking - https://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/MME_explaining-words-used-in-banking.pdf

Moving on and planning ahead booklet - https://s33156.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/MME_moving-on-and-planning-ahead.pdf

Why is money important video - http://www.youtube.com/shorts/e2jmUkK99MI

Look under the heading Benefits and Entitlements 



Easy News -  An accessible round up of some of the big news stories. This is by an organisation called United Response.




Online Safety



  Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training 

Here is a link to a video about what happened to Oliver. It explains about Oliver's Campaign to give more training to health and social care staff about how to better support  Autistic people and people who have a learning disability The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism (youtube.com)


Organ Donation

Organ Donation - An Easy Read Guide (2019)




Personal Health Budgets

Leaflet - 7b2ad3_cbf5e7f3ffb34f96b7bc0c1dd5de8f32.pdf (speakup.org.uk)

Workbook about Personal Health Budgets - 7b2ad3_57ee5e4424df45c798d2acb789992083.pdf (speakup.org.uk)



 Your rights if taken in by the police - Notice of Rights EasyRead by Inspired Services.pdf - Google Drive

The support  you should get if you are the victim of a crime -  easyread-victims-code.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)



You and your Member of Parliament (MP) Easy-read-MPs.pdf (mencap.org.uk)



Are you worried about your poo? - Video - What are the signs of constipation?

Are you worried about your poo? - Poster - www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/People-with-a-learning-disability-A4-leaflet-high-resolution.pdf

What should poo look like? - Poster - www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Bristol-stool-chart-for-carers-print-version.pdf



Information about what is pornography, what is legal and illegal pornography and how to keep yourself safe using the Internet - 003-pornography-guide.pdf


Pregnancy - Having a baby

Lots of information about being pregnant and having a baby - Accessible Maternity Resources « Learning Disability Network (necldnetwork.co.uk)



Information book for disabled prisoners - Layout 1 (prisonreformtrust.org.uk)






Reasonable Adjustments

This is a video about reasonable adjustments. It shows some things people might find helpful if they were going to hospital www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMV06K1oanA



Your rights when you are in hospital - www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/2018-02/Know%20Your%20Rights%20-%20Your%20rights%20in%20hospital%20FINAL.pdf





This film tells the story of how self-advocacy has influenced and changed the lives of many people with a learning disability, helping them to become empowered to speak up for their rights and needs. Not only does the film show the impact self-advocacy has had on the lives of people with a learning disability, but also the impact that people with a learning disability have been able to have on the wider world. www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRQsJCxIbEQ



Information about what is pornography, what is legal and illegal pornography and how to keep yourself safe using the Internet - 003-pornography-guide.pdf

Also look under heading Friendships and Relationships


Sexual Consent

Information about agreeing or not agreeing to have sex or sexual relationships What-is-sexual-consent.pdf (suffolkordinarylives.co.uk)


Smear Tests

Smear Test (Video)

Easy Read information about smear tests. Smear tests are also known as cervical screening mac16302-er-e05-cervical-screening-easy-read (macmillan.org.uk)


Social Model of Disability

A model is a way of thinking about things or an idea. Many Disabled people came together and thought about the idea of the social model of disability. The social model explains that it is barriers in the world around us that disable people. This was a different way of understanding disability. 

Here is a long booklet in easy read about the Social Model of Disability. You could maybe read little bits of it at a time if that is better for you - http://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/FactSheets_TheSocialModel_Easy-Read.pdf


STOMP: Stop the over medication of medication of people with learning disabilities

STOMP: Stop the over medication of people with learning disabilities (Video)


Stopping Smoking 

Some easy read information about smoking and stopping smoking mac16339-stop-smoking-e04 (macmillan.org.uk)



What are the signs of a stroke www.bild.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Stroke-PHE-leaflet.pdf

Poster about the signs of a stroke www.bild.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Stroke-PHE-poster.pdf



7 steps to being in control of my support (InControl, 2017)


Sun Safety 

This booklet is about being safe in the sun - mac16335-er-e06-be-safe-in-the-sun (macmillan.org.uk)


Storage Heaters

How to use a storage night heater -  ISL200 14 Storage Heaters EasyRead (cse.org.uk)












My Voice My Vote Website - lots of useful easy read information about voting and politics - www.myvotemyvoice.org.uk

Photo ID needed when you go to vote from May 2023 - www.easy-read-online.co.uk/_files/ugd/7e469a_a70fcb3a69a749d89c52aae188504916.pdf?index=true 

What is the General Election? - www.mencap.org.uk/easyread/what-general-election?

What is Voting - What is voting? | Mencap

Voting Passport. This is to think about any reasonable adjustments you might need to be able to vote -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XQB6vBisVKLk_oNQE9lRbBDBbcAmJ0Ic/view?usp=drivesdk 

Here is a video about what is it like at a polling station when you vote. It is an old video so remember we need to take some photo ID with us to be able to vote now. Photo ID means identification like a passport. - https://youtu.be/34hu5Ba4_Jc?si=4CduQWNJ15jDHkNj




Wellbeing Information

Inclusion North Easy-Read
Here is the weekly News and tips for staying well from Inclusion North



This is thinking about what you want to happen with your belongings (things) and money when you die.

Making a Will - A Guide



Stay well this winter:  Things you need to do to stay well - /_library/files/reports/Stay%20Well%20this%20Winter%20-%20Easy%20Read.pdf


Winterborne View

Department of Health's Report on Winterborne View



An organisation called Together Matters have made a booklet called How to be part of the world of work.

You will need to register your details on the website to be able read the booklet. Here is the link to the booklet -  www.togethermatters.org.uk/how-to-be-part-of-the-world-of-work-editable/


Access to Work Video - Access to Work is a way for some disabled people to get support for them to be able to do their job.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gsFq7u2wsY

Access to Work - Easy read information - Get help from Access to Work (Easy Read) (publishing.service.gov.uk)


Access to Work - Easy read information - Access to Work Communication support at a job interview (publishing.service.gov.uk)






How you can support us

As a local organisation we very much rely on the support of our local community. We support over 2,000 people every year to have greater choice and control and remove the barriers that disabled adults and children experience in their everyday lives. But we need YOUR help.

Click here to find out how you can support us

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