DAD provides an information service across all of our projects and services. We aim to ensure that disabled people and carers have equality of access to high quality information and advice about their rights.
We offer support to enable disabled people and carers (including parent carers and young disabled people under 25 years), to make informed choices and increase independence by:
If you think you are being treated unfairly or you think you are being discriminated against, or experiencing harassment, DAD can support you with information and advice about your rights and options.
You can find out more about your rights as a disabled person, carer or parent of a disabled child through workshops, themed meetings and local roadshows.
Information and advice is free and confidential and tailored to meet your needs. We can also:
Advice and Information Service delivery statement
DAD provides comprehensive and up to date disability information and advice on options available to disabled people and carers. The organisation makes every effort to ensure that the information it provides is accurate, up to date, relevant and as comprehensive as possible.
DAD recognises its dual role in providing both its own services and information about other services. DAD is committed however to promoting independence and choice. For this reason DAD will always endeavour to provide people with information about a range of options, and will not seek only to promote its own services where others may be available. DAD recognises that disabled people and carers have a right to choose between services and have appropriate information to make the best possible decisions.
To this end, DAD will make available information about the services and support available from other providers through its advice services and newsletters. DAD is unable to recommend other services but will provide people with the widest possible range of choices.
We welcome enquiries by telephone, e-mail or in person.
As a local organisation we very much rely on the support of our local community. We support over 2,000 people every year to have greater choice and control and remove the barriers that disabled adults and children experience in their everyday lives. But we need YOUR help.