Darlington Association on Disability is a user led disability organisation which is a registered charity (registered charity number 1125848) and a company limited by guarantee (company number 6688735). We provide a range of support and services for disabled people and carers in Darlington, Teesside and surrounding areas.
The following privacy information is for people who use projects provided by our Children and Young People’s Service.
We have always protected people’s data very carefully; however recent changes to Data Protection legislation means that we have to give you information about how we process your personal data and how we are meeting our duties under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulations 2016.
It is important that you understand what personal information you give to us or what we collect. It is also important that you understand what we do with this information and in what circumstances we may share it with other agencies. Your data will only be used by DAD to provide the necessary information and support that we agree with you. It will also be used to collate anonymous statistics which the funders of our services require for example how many people use the service.
Data Protection allows us to only store and use your information where we have a legal basis to do so as described in the General Data Protection Regulations 2016.
As part of providing support and service through the Children and Young People’s Service, it is necessary to use your personal information outlined above to enable us to provide the right support and service. This means the Children and Young People’s Service uses your information because we have a Legitimate Reason to do so and a Contract, where DAD is paid directly for a service. We will only use your data in ways which you would reasonably expect us to and for the reason it was obtained.
The personal data we hold about you will not be shared with anyone outside of DAD without your prior consent.
Where your child has a funded place at DASH or for Inclusion Support through Darlington Borough Council, attendance records will be shared with Darlington Borough Council as required by the funding agreement.
In addition there may be exceptional circumstances when we are legally obliged to share your information by law which includes the prevention of fraud, a crime or where someone is at risk.
We store your data securely in a manner that ensures only necessary and authorised DAD personnel are able to access it. This includes restricted passwords and encryption for electronic data and locked storage for paper based records.
We will keep your information for only as long as necessary and based on DAD retention policy. This means we will keep your information while you are using our services and for 2 years after stopping using the service. Some information will need to be kept for longer periods if it relates to health and safety, medication administration and behaviour support.
You have the right to access the information we hold about you and the right to request that your data is deleted and removed from our records.
You can do this by contacting Judith Gledhill at
Darlington Association on Disability
Whessoe Technology Centre
Alderman Best Way
or email Judith Gledhill
We will regularly review the privacy information we provide to you and keep you updated through our website, bulletins and when our staff support you. We will be continually updating our website with information regarding your rights under Data Protection.
As a local organisation we very much rely on the support of our local community. We support over 2,000 people every year to have greater choice and control and remove the barriers that disabled adults and children experience in their everyday lives. But we need YOUR help.