DAD Direct Payments Support Service can support you with work place pensions
Step 1: Know your staging date
You can also find out your staging date online at this link to the Pension Regulator you will need your PAYE reference number.
Step 2: Assess your workforce by placing them in the following categories:-
Eligible jobholder
Non-eligible jobholder
Entitled worker
Step 3: Review your pension arrangements
You must set up a pension scheme to enrol your staff onto.
NEST is one of the pension schemes that employers can use to meet their new duties. It’s been set up by the UK government and is specifically designed for automatic enrolment. It’s a trust-based scheme, run independently from government on a not-for-profit basis.
More information on NEST is available on the NEST website
Step 4: Communicate the changes to all your workers
You must inform all your workers in writing about the changes detailing how they are affected by the changes. It is important to communicate the right message to the right employee at the right time.
Step 5: Auto-enrol your eligible jobholders
There is a process that you will need to follow in order to make an eligible jobholder a member of an automatic enrolment pension scheme from the staging date. Certain information about your eligible jobholders will also need to be supplied to your pension scheme provider. You will also need to provide enrolment information to the eligible jobholders so they can decide whether to opt out.
Step 6: Register with The Pensions Regulator and keep records
You are required to tell the The Pensions Regulator how you have complied with your new employer duties within 4 months of your staging date. You will also need to keep records about your workers.
Step 7: Contribute to your workers’ pensions
Starting on your staging date you must contribute to your chosen pension scheme on behalf of your workers. The minimum contribution that an employer must pay into their workers’ pension scheme will be introduced gradually over a 6 year period - this is known as phasing.
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