Darlington Association on Disability Logo showing the letters D.A.D. breaking through a wall Darlington Association
on Disability

Registered Charity No. 1125848

A2B Travel without Barriers Survey

A2B is looking into the service levels that public transport providers in the UK offer to their passengers. Your comments and answers are much appreciated. All your answers are confidential and anonymous. DAD has produced this accessible version of the survey on behalf of A2B.

If you happen to make an error in answering the form, there is a Reset button at the end of the page.

1. Which category below includes your age?

Under 18’s
If you are under 18 then we need your parent’s or guardian’s permission. 

Please provide contact details below for your parent or guardian so that we can call to ask for permission to continue.

We will then provide a new link to the survey so you can continue and complete the survey.

For more information, you can read the MRS code of conduct at http://www.mrs.org.uk/standards/codeconduct.htm

2. Parental/Guardian Phone Number

3. Which region do you live in?

4. Do you have:

5. Are you a carer for someone with:

(Go to Question 14)

In your role as a Carer

6. In your role as a carer, do you use public transport (e.g. buses, trains, London underground system)?

7. In your role as a carer, what forms of public transport do you use?

8. Of these which is the main form of public transport you use? (please choose one)

9. In your role as a carer, what do you use public transport for? (tick all that apply)

10. In your role as a carer, have you ever felt discriminated against when using public transport (choose one only)

Discrimination in Public Transport

11. What form of discrimination have you experienced? (please tick all that apply)

12. What did you use public transport for? (tick all that apply)

13. Why did you stop using public transport? (tick all that apply)

Using Public Transport

14. Do you use public transport (e.g. buses, trains, London underground system)?

15. What forms of public transport do you use?

16. Of these which is the main form of public transport you use? (please choose one)

17. What do you use public transport for? (tick all that apply)

Discrimination in Public Transport

18. Have you ever felt discriminated against when using public transport (choose one only)

19. What form of discrimination have you experienced? (please tick all that apply)

20. Have you changed how you use public transport as a result of this discrimination?

The Highs and Lows of Public Transport

21. Please state how much you agree with the following statements (on a scale 1-5 where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree)

22. Please rate the following on how well you feel these public transport providers cater for disabled passengers? (On a scale 1-5 where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree)

Your views

23. What would you do to improve the public transport system for disabled users?

24. Would you be interested in talking to us further about your experience with public transport?

25. If Yes, please enter your email address and/or phone number below so that we can contact you about your experience with public transport.

26. Would you be willing to form a general consultative forum on transport issues hosted by a national disability organisation?

27. If Yes, please enter your email address and/or phone number below.

Thank you for taking part in the survey. Please click the "submit" button below and you will then be taken to a confirmation page when the data has been received.